Zawodnicy MMA reagują na nokaut Fedora na Mirze
Reakcje zawodników MMA na zwycięstwo Fedora Emelianenki z Frankiem Mirem w walce wieczoru gali Bellator 198, która odbyła się w Rosemont.
.@thefrankmir and #Fedor @spike. The term LEGEND is thrown out a lot. Tonight we have TWO LEGENDS doing battle in the cage.
— Ian McCall (@Unclecreepymma) April 29, 2018
Hard to pick a winner in tonight’s fight but I like Mir he has more skills on the ground in my opinion. #Bellator198 #kenshamrock #lionsden #mma #bellatormma #fighter #godfather #legend #worldsmostdangerousman #worldsmostdangerouspodcast
— KEN SHAMROCK (@ShamrockKen) April 29, 2018
Legggo FEDOR
— David Rickels (@TheCaveman316) April 29, 2018
Let's go!! @thefrankmir
— James Vick (@JamesVickMMA) April 29, 2018
Frank Mir is just 38?
— Daniel Cormier (@dc_mma) April 29, 2018
IIIIIIITTTTTTTSSSSS TIIIIIME! #mir and #fedor is now! @BellatorMMA
— Sam Alvey (@smilensam) April 29, 2018
Frank Mir is just 38?
— Daniel Cormier (@dc_mma) April 29, 2018
And just like that Fedor is back #bellator
— Jared Gordon (@JFlashGordonMMA) April 29, 2018
0 expressions given . FEDOR 😂
— Derek Brunson (@DerekBrunson) April 29, 2018
When's the last time fedor done that @BellatorMMA #Bellator198 nice to see him get another ko
— Steven Siler (@Stevesiler) April 29, 2018
Fuckin Fedor!! 💥 💥 huge ko victory! Dude is a Legend! Ultimate dad bod badass! 🙌🏽
— BRYAN BARBERENA (@bryan_barberena) April 29, 2018
— James Vick (@JamesVickMMA) April 29, 2018
Great to see Fedor back with a good win! @BellatorMMA
— Douglas Lima (@PhenomLima) April 29, 2018
I wanna grow old like Fedor. 41 years old and still knocking people out! #bellator198
— Patricky Freire (@PatrickyPitbull) April 29, 2018
That was awesome. #bellator198
— Scott “Hot Sauce” Holtzman (@HotSauceHoltzy) April 29, 2018
Great finish Fedor.#bellator198 #bellatormma
— KEN SHAMROCK (@ShamrockKen) April 29, 2018
Ayeeeee! Fedor!
— David Rickels (@TheCaveman316) April 29, 2018