Reakcje zawodników UFC na walkę Conora z Floydem
Conor McGregor nie sprostał Floydowi Mayweatherowi Juniorowi, przegrywając przez techniczny nokaut w dziesiątej rundzie – ale większość zawodników UFC ocenia, że spisał się bardzo dobrze.
Poniżej wybrane reakcje zawodników UFC na wynik konfrontacji Conora McGregora z Floydem Mayweatherem Juniorem (za MMAFighting.com).
Sensacji nie było – Floyd Mayweather Jr. kończy Conora McGregora!
— Jose Aldo Junior (@josealdojunior) August 27, 2017
People ask me I just say I know it will go more than 3 rounds 👁👊🏽
— Nick Diaz (@nickdiaz209) August 27, 2017
Conor is a first round fighter, no cardio no heart you still owns me a fight #fouxo #chickenheart
— Rafael dos Anjos (@RdosAnjosMMA) August 27, 2017
Tips your caps To @TheNotoriousMMA , took TBE 10 fucking rounds .. great show for the world of MMA @ufc #greatWork
— Eddie Alvarez (@Ealvarezfight) August 27, 2017
Great Match Gentlemen @FloydMayweather @TheNotoriousMMA #Boxing VS #MMA
— Tony Ferguson (@TonyFergusonXT) August 27, 2017
@TheNotoriousMMA did his thing tonight he represented our sport like a G!
— Demetrious Johnson (@MightyMouse) August 27, 2017
Conor did real good
— Derrick Lewis (@Thebeast_ufc) August 27, 2017
Amazing fight! @TheNotoriousMMA is a legend! @FloydMayweather is the best of our time! @ufc @danawhite you guys give the fans the fights!
— CrisCyborg.Com (@criscyborg) August 27, 2017
Wow what a fight. #MayweatherMcGregor
— JIMI MANUWA (@POSTERBOYJM) August 27, 2017
Best Mayweather fight in a loooooong time 👏🏽 #McGregorMayweather
— Cub Swanson (@CubSwanson) August 27, 2017
He went to boxing give one of the best ever a very good run for his money, now he should come to mma. Great fight #MayweatherMcGregor
— Joe Duffy (@Duffy_MMA) August 27, 2017
I don't care. BS stoppage !
— Chris Weidman (@chrisweidman) August 27, 2017
Props to McGregor for what he showed tonight against one of the best ever! He's a #martialartist and an amazing competitor! #MayMac
— Wonderboy (@WonderboyMMA) August 27, 2017
Conor @TheNotoriousMMA gotta come back now 😂 imma fuck that boy up after I whoop @TonyFergusonXT. #MichiganMade
— Kevin Lee MTP (@MoTownPhenom) August 27, 2017
Money well earned @thenotoriousmma respect.
— Luke Rockhold (@LukeRockhold) August 27, 2017
I tell ya what @TheNotoriousMMA is a G !! He went 10 Rds w/ @FloydMayweather . He made #Mayweather HAVE to box. It was an entertaining fight
— Dennis Bermudez (@MenaceBermudez) August 27, 2017
Congrats on an amazing performance. You made history. Hold your head high! @TheNotoriousMMA
— Paige VanZant (@paigevanzant) August 27, 2017
Nothing but respect for Conor Mcgregor. Went to the 10th Rd with the Greatest Boxer of All Time and arguably won 4 Rounds.
— Chase Sherman (@ChaseShermanUFC) August 27, 2017
What a self promotion by Connor … I need to learn myself…
Just to be on this magnitudeof a matchup without having the skills….— Raphael Assuncao (@RaphaAssuncao) August 27, 2017
Damn took ten!!
— tim means (@MeansTim) August 27, 2017
McGregor already won
— Jake Ellenberger (@EllenbergerMMA) August 27, 2017
No Loser really !!! Insane moment !! #MayweathervMcgregor
— . (@patrick_cote) August 27, 2017
That is EXACTLY how I thought that fight would go. Props to Mcgregor tho, he just got PAID!! He did what he does best, SOLD this fight!
— Brad Tavares (@BradTavares) August 27, 2017
Conor McGregor you did mma great, take a bow sir! #MayweatherMcGregor #UFC
— Derek Brunson (@DerekBrunson) August 27, 2017
Everybody is talking about boxing and bla bla bla … I feel like I want to kick someone 😂👊🏾
— Edson Barboza (@EdsonBarbozaJR) August 27, 2017