Ostatni staredown Francisa Ngannou i Caina Velasqueza przed UFC on ESPN 1 – VIDEO
Francis Ngannou i Cain Velasquez stanęli po raz ostatni oko w oko przed jutrzejszą galą UFC on ESPN 1 w Phoenix.
#UFCPhoenix main event! @Francis_Ngannou goes to war with @CainMMA tomorrow on @TSN_Sports 2 & @RDSca 2 pic.twitter.com/W1vfdMWaH2
— UFC Canada (@UFC_CA) February 16, 2019
Francis Ngannou and Cain Velasquez are ready for war at #UFCPhoenix! Who wins and how?
Watch full weigh-ins: https://t.co/OoD93BhA3z pic.twitter.com/rtjRIL6Lm4
— MMAFighting.com (@MMAFighting) February 16, 2019