„Co to, ku*wa, było?!” – zawodnicy UFC reagują na fatalne przerwanie w walce Cutelaba vs. Anakalaev
Decyzja sędziego Kevina MacDonalda o przerwaniu walki Iona Cutelaby z Magomedem Ankalaevem podczas gali w Norfolk wzbudziła gigantyczne kontrowersje.
Nie popisał się sędzia Kevin MacDonald w starciu pomiędzy Ionem Cutelabą i Magomedem Ankalaevem, do którego doszło w ramach gali UFC on ESPN+ 27 w Norfolk.
Gdy Mołdawianin zaczął w pewnej chwili bujać się na lewo i prawo, udając naruszonego i jednocześnie czając się na potężne bomby, sędzia wkroczył do akcji, przerywając pojedynek – ku wściekłości Cutelaby.
Zawodnicy UFC nie kryli zaskoczenia i oburzenia decyzją sędziego. Oto ich reakcje.
I'm not so ready to kill that ref for the stoppage. It's easier for us watching on screen to see he wasnt really hurt but from the refs perspective it could look like a guy wobbling. Still sucks bad for Ion though
— Sodiq Yusuff (@Super_Sodiq) March 1, 2020
That wasn’t a bad call… it was just a few seconds too soon 😏 #UFCNorfolk
— Julian marquez (@JMarquezMMA) March 1, 2020
Fans shouldn’t be booing Ankalaev. Not his fault at all. Wouldn’t mind seeing them run that one back #UFCNorfolk
— Shane Burgos (@HurricaneShaneB) March 1, 2020
Oooh… that’s a bad one. 😬
— Dan Hardy (@danhardymma) March 1, 2020
Damn, that was crazy
— . (@ChasSkelly) March 1, 2020
What the fuck was that?!? WORST STOPPAGE EVER!!!! #UFCNorfolk
— Brad Tavares (@BradTavares) March 1, 2020
This commission fucking up major tonight 🤦🏽♂️🤦🏽♂️🤦🏽♂️ #UFCNorfolk
— Brad Tavares (@BradTavares) March 1, 2020
The rope-a-dope backfired there… weird. #UFCNorfolk
— Joe Ellenberger (@JoeEllenberger) March 1, 2020
Atrocious stoppage.. was shaping up to be a fun fight too #UFCNorfolk
— Shane Burgos (@HurricaneShaneB) March 1, 2020
NUMBER ONE BULLSHIT! Unreal. We all got robbed. Was really looking forward to seeing that fight unfold! #UFCNorfolk
— Dustin Jacoby (@thehanyakdj) March 1, 2020
Rough stoppage . The ref would love to have a do over ! #UFCNorfolk
— Derek Brunson (@DerekBrunson) March 1, 2020
That was straight up stupid!! Knockout??? Are you fucking kidding me?!?! #UFCNorfolk OVERTURN!
— Aljamain Sterling (@funkmasterMMA) March 1, 2020
Such a bad stoppage!!#UFCNorfolk
— Herbert Burns (@HerbertBurnsMMA) March 1, 2020
Watching the replay I believe he WAS playing possum. Every time he got touched he looked away and went extreme wobbly legs to draw his opponent in and then quickly snapped out of it firing a bomb! #UFCNorfolk
— Alan Jouban (@AlanJouban) March 1, 2020
I disagree with that stoppage Cutelaba looked fine immediately after the stoppage, he immediately got his legs legs back after the ref stopped it, Bisping might be right he might’ve been baiting Ankalaev to rush him. At the very least it was too early. #UFCNorfolk
— Louis Smolka (@LouisSmolkaMMA) March 1, 2020
The referee called this one wrong!#ThisIsSucks
— Francis Ngannou (@francis_ngannou) March 1, 2020
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