Cormier, Manuwa, JDS i inni reagują na efektowne poddanie Ovince’a St. Preuxa
Zbiór najciekawszych reakcji zawodników na poddanie, jakie Ovince St. Preux zafundował Yushinowi Okamiemu podczas UFC FN 117.
W walce wieczoru gali UFC Fight Night 117 w Saitamie Ovince St. Preux poddał duszeniem Von Flue biorącego walkę w zastępstwie Yushina Okamiego.
OSP usypia Yushina Okamiego swoim firmowym duszeniem Von Flue – video
Co ciekawe, jest to już trzecie skończenie tą techniką w wykonaniu Haitańczyka. Wcześniej w ten sposób poddawał Nikitę Krylova i Marcosa Rogerio de Limę.
Poniżej najciekawsze reakcje innych zawodników.
Okami you had one submission to defend and you gave it to him 😂
— Chase Sherman (@ChaseShermanUFC) September 23, 2017
You have to be kidding me?! #UFCJapan
— Aljamain Sterling (@funkmasterMMA) September 23, 2017
Nah man. That was just a silly ass game plan. Lol at least make the guard active OR.. LET GO OF THE HEAD!! 🤦🏾♂️
— Aljamain Sterling (@funkmasterMMA) September 23, 2017
Umm that really just happened 🤦🏾♂️#dontgrabhishead #UFCjapan
— KAMARU USMAN (@USMAN84kg) September 23, 2017
Hey 205ers! Stop going for bad guillotines on OSP ok?! #UFCJapan
— Kenny Florian (@kennyflorian) September 23, 2017
Wow sick @003_OSP what a beast choke #vonflu 👏👏👏🔥👊 #ufcjapan
— Wilson Reis (@wilsonreis7) September 23, 2017
Unbelievable! Just don't grab his neck. He's so good at that! Good shit @003_OSP
— Daniel Cormier (@dc_mma) September 23, 2017
Geez, a third Von Flue choke! All you had to do was let go, Okami!!! #UFCJapan
— The Mane Event™ (@EliasTheodorou) September 23, 2017
WOW I have never see someone getting submit with that position before. That was nice
— Junior Dos Santos 🅾️➕ (@junior_cigano) September 23, 2017
Von Flue choke? I’ve learned it as Shoulder of Justice 😅 #UFCFightNight
— Nicolas “Danish Dynamite” Dalby (@DalbyMMA) September 23, 2017
That might've been the only @ufc fight where no punches were thrown… congrats @003_OSP on a 3rd Von Flue choke and win. #UFCJapan
— Corey 'Overtime' Anderson (@CoreyA_MMA) September 23, 2017
OSP strong AF, stay very very far away from strong ish with him! #UFCJapan
— Derek Brunson (@DerekBrunson) September 23, 2017
No way wow again #ufcjapan
— Belal Muhammad (@bullyb170) September 23, 2017
The osp choke strikes again !! #UFCjapan
— JIMI MANUWA (@POSTERBOYJM) September 23, 2017